Author: Obada Qawwas

Obada Qawwas

Hi, I'm Obada Qawwas. I'm a multidisciplinary designer who always loved building websites, themes, and digital products. Design to me is a way of life. It's not a job but a passion that you grow with every day. I've been a self-taught designer for most of my career and has been dabbling with code and animations from time to time.

Posts by: Obada Qawwas (admin)

Type: snippets /
React.js Hotel Reservation System 🚀 in Javascript

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. The project includes extra packages and improved file structure. Animations with React transition group. Testing. Manage stepsState with Redux. Better styling for the date field to support mobile devices. You can always navigate between the completed steps from the steps indicators or by…

Type: snippets /
React.js API Consumer 🚀 in React

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. The project includes extra packages and improved file structure. axios redux react-redux redux-saga redux-devtools-extension react-router-dom react-router-redux This project gets its data from Artic EDU (The Art Institute of Chicago) for demo purposes, it's an open API and doesn't require a key. View its…

Type: snippets /
React.js Slot Machine 🚀 in React

Simple and functional slot machine project bootstrapped with Create React App and includes extra useful dependencies with tests for all the used components and hooks. This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. The project includes extra packages and improved file structure. @testing-library/react-hooks @types/enzyme @wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17 - an unofficial package for…

Type: snippets /
Organizational chart with D3.js, expandable, zoomable, and fully initialized in Javascript

D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data; however, it doesn't give you any clue on how to make an organizational chart! Thanks to Julien Henri Reszka's great example on, now we have a great boilerplate we can start with. The thought of building an expandable…

Type: snippets /
Form example send emails with attachments using Dropzone.js and PHPMailer in Javascript

In this snippet, I'm sharing with you a project request form (Project Planner) with custom styled checkboxes buttons and file upload using Dropzone.js and sends emails using PHPMailer with a thank you message, fully configured and ready to use. For those who didn't hear about DropzoneJS, it's an open-source library…

Type: snippets /
SVG colored lines interact with mousemove in Javascript

In my journey to understand the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), I went through a very lovely website called The Bézier Game, they made a very interesting experience for colored lines interact with mousemove, they wrote the JS code in a proficient way that is easy to edit and understand. So…